

This course includes the material in the Intermediate Course, extends the practical aspects of the Intermediate Course to deal with more complex cases. We cover acute prescribing, as well as basic case taking and analysis in detail. The course finalises the Materia Medica of the Polycrest remedies.


Philosophy, Organon,
Special Topics
Materia Medica
Repertory, Case Taking
Practical Cases
Brief History of Homoeopathy.
Definition and Introduction to Materia Medica Definition and Use of a Repertory.
Repertorial Exercise.
Definition and Use of a Repertory.
Repertorial Exercise.
Potentisation Schuessler Biochemic Remedies.
Introduction to the Polycrest Remedies.
Remedy Analysis – Aconite, Arsenicum.
Repertorial Exercise.
Use of Kent’s Repertory.
Basic Case Analysis. 4 cases.
Brief Intro to Prescribing for Chronic Disease. Remedy Analysis – Belladonna, Bryonia,
Calcium Carbonate.
How to Take a Case.
Other Repertories.
A “Short Cut” Method.
2 cases.
1 own case
Kent’s method of case analysis. Remedy Analysis –
Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla,
Posology – Potency and Dose 3 cases.
1 own case
Drainage in Homoeopathy. Remedy Analysis –
Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla,
Posology – Potency and Dose 3 cases.
1 own case
Homoeoprophylaxis Remedy Analysis –
China (Cinchona Offinalis), Dulcamarra, Graphites,
Hepar Sulph, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia.
Hahnemann’s case taking method 1 case.
1 own case.
Baron CMF von Boenninghausen Remedy Analysis –
Ipecachuana, Lachesis, Mercurius, Baryta Carb., Natrum Muriaticum, Arnica.
Boenninghausen’s method and repertory. 3 cases
Final Notes Remedy Analysis –
Rhus Tox., Sepia, Thuja, Phosphorous, Sulphur,
Veratrum Album.
  1 case.
1 own case.


Cost of the Certificate in Homoeopathic Case Taking course:
Enrolment Fee - $140 - payable on enrolment
Tutorials 2 x $40 - 80 - tutorial fees are paid when you submit a Tutorial,
6 x $50 - 300 - and are not required to be paid in advance
Total $520

Books: The books required for the course cost approximately $120. You may purchase these directly from a homoeopathic bookseller, or include an additional $120 with your enrolment fee, and we shall send the books to you.

W. Boericke - Materia Medica and Repertory. This is regarded as the most valuable "quick reference" Materia Medica available, and most practitioners keep it beside them. You must realise that it is impossible to give all relevant symptoms relating to all remedies in such a small volume, however Dr Boericke has done a marvellous job. Don't hesitate to add additional symptoms in the margin. Some practitioners find the Repertory at the back of the book to be very useful. We shall mention this in Tutorial 5. There is also a therapeutic prescriber in the back, and a section dealing with relationships of remedies. Both of these have practical value.

I. Golden - Australian Homoeopathic Home Prescriber. Is a simple prescribing reference to help you choose remedies for everyday conditions. You look up the problem and see which of the remedies listed best fits the symptoms of the person you are prescribing for. There are many different prescribers available if you want other references.

J.T. Kent - Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. This is generally regarded as the most important basic Repertory in Homoeopathy, and will be the one we use most in this course. It is explained in detail in Tutorial 2.

M.L. Dhawale - Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. Dr Dhawale is a very experienced Indian physician and teacher. His book is one of the best general introductions to Homoeopathy. It can be solid reading at times, but is very comprehensive.

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Enclose my cheque/money order for $140.00
to enrol in the Certificate in Homoeopathic Case Taking Course in Homoeopathy.
Send to: ACHH, P.O. Box 695, Gisborne. 3437.